Relfor Foundation
The Relfor Foundation believes in empowering villages which still remain untouched by necessary infrastructure development. Established in the year 2017, the CSR arm of Relfor Labs Pvt. Ltd., has been relentlessly working on several infrastructure development projects in rural areas.
Two outstanding and unique initiatives are; the desilting of water bodies and lakes, thereby, improving the ground water levels and providing adequate water for irrigation, even during the hot and dry months; the second being a pioneering initiative, which is the construction of concrete homes for tribal people living in the jungles thus upgrading their lives.
The quest of ‘being the change’ by bringing about a positive impact on society does not end there. The Relfor Foundation tirelessly marches ahead through its unwavering support in a diverse range of activities, be it enhancing the infrastructure of old-age homes and orphanages, building gardens, community halls and toilets, to free food distribution daily, and even providing a digital platform that connects donors with NGOs.
In recognition of the efforts undertaken by the foundation, the Ministry of State for Water Resources, Water Conservation and Parliamentary Affairs, and the Department of Rural Development, the Government of Maharashtra have acknowledged the Relfor Foundation for its valuable contribution to the communities.
“We delve deep to understand the potential of the villages that are untouched by technological growth and believe in the urgent need to improve grass-root level infrastructure. Through this path, villages gear up to become self-sufficient, and in the macro picture; this would in-turn benefit our economy.”

Desilting of Water
Silt accumulation is a very common problem faced by water bodies across India. Siltation is the pollution of water caused by silt depositions. Accumulation of silt raises several issues like making the water undrinkable for the livestock and reducing the water holding capacity of dams and lakes. Continuous accumulation of silt can also affect the dam structure and hence desilting becomes immensely important.
Tribal Homes
Tribal communities in India are facing several problems ranging from poverty, illiteracy, and lack of proper infrastructure. To help these communities, Relfor Foundation has been happy to undertake a house-building project for them.
Most tribal communities live in inaccessible locations which are geographically far away from cities. Due to this, these communities do not get access to the necessary infrastructure and remain devoid of any development. Neither do they have proper education nor lands for cultivating.

Skill Development Center
The Relfor Foundation started skill development centers at two different locations in Pune.
The main objective is to create an end-to-end implementation framework for skill development, which provides opportunities for lifelong learning and to create an opportunity of learning to gain hard skills for future employment.
The course duration is 3 Months
Three courses - Stitching, Beauty Parlor, and Cooking consisting of 20 girls in each batch
Old Age Homes
Tina Nathani inaugurated Sevadeep Garden for the Senior Citizens of Behere Old Age Home. Relfor Foundation sponsored the redesigning of the Garden project for Behere Old Age Home, located at Kharadi in Pune. An open and unused space of this old age home was planned and designed into a beautiful garden with ample trees and properly trimmed grasses along with a beautiful fountain. Space not only looked beautiful but benefited over 108 senior citizen residents for their daily dose of exercise and walks. The entire beautification project was also completed within a remarkable time span of just 1 month.

Disaster Management
Natural disasters have always coexisted with the advancement of human civilization. Over the last few decades, its proclivity has become increasingly apparent, and India too, has experienced massive natural disasters that have caused enormous misery in terms of large-scale death and destruction.
The loss of private, community, and public assets has been enormous losses. Relfor Foundation has identified disaster response management as a key area of operation and has successfully completed numerous relief operations.
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